Profitable Businesses Despite The Pandemic

The impact of COVID-19 on our lives cannot be over-emphasized. But, we can either complain about it, or find ways to survive in spite of it. This article is about the latter. Because, you know, in the end, life has to go on.

We selected businesses which have an increased significance during these times.

These business ideas do not need much to effect, considering present circumstances.


Yup! We absolutely had to start with this one, and for good reason. One of the things that became very clear during the ‘great lockdown of 2020’ is that an adequate supply of food is veeeery important. All that food has to come from somewhere right?

So, what kind of small scale farm? Well the options are numerous.

There are families who go by with water leaf farming. Or a farm to grow tomatoes or cucumbers.

If plsnts are too boring for you, you may consider keeping animals instead. Poultry farms and snail farms fall in this category. Again, the options are numerous.

The principle here is that demand for food will always exist since it is a basic need, not a luxury.

So, if farming interests you, pick an area, research thoroughly about it, ask questions and go about effecting your idea. Our stomachs will be glad you did!

Farming however, requires land, in some cases, lots of land. So you can start something small in that little piece of land in your backyard.

Also, it is possible to lease an unused piece of land from its owner, you know, just saying.


There are lots of school kids whose calendars have been disrupted by the current circumstances and need help catching up. Or, if you are in a tetiary institution and at a higher level, you might have junior colleagues who will need help with a course or the other.

You can offer your knowledge for a fee.


So, here’s the thing. Blogs, websites and even magazines need content to stay fresh. Many times, it has proven difficult for site owners to keep up with writing all that content. So, they hire.

Now, this is good news for you because, if you know how to put words together well, then there could be a job for you out there somewhere. Also, one thing we really love about content writing is that it is possible to work from wherever you are, even from home!

Awesome right? So, how do you catch all those customers? Check this post out.

P/S: We hire content writers sometimes too! Sometimes we need content for our blog. At other times, we require content for a client’s site. If this interests you, send us an email at with a sample of something you wrote. We will be glad to see what you come up with.


We definitely had to talk about this one. One thing 2020 and its merry band of challenges has shown us is that we need alternatives to physical offices and stores. And we need them fast!

If you have the skill, then you can benefit from the surge in the number of individuals and businesses who are taking the online route. These individuals and businesses need great looking websites, so you will be meeting a need. Take note though, that there is also a case to be made here for graphic designers and social media marketers! So, the pool is definitely large enough for all to swim in.

Oh and if you did not already know, web design is one of the things we do here at RDEESOFT.

5. Plantain Chips/Popcorn/Small Chops

We absolutely love this. And we know we aren’t alone. People absolutely love their tasty treats. Making yourself a plug for stuff like these isn’t a shabby idea.

It may not look like much of a business, but we know individuals who make roughly 35k to 50k per month doing this. And the potential exists to make even more!

Summing it all up…

Now although, we encourage you to start a business, it will be fair to state here that everything we do in life carries a measure of risk. Doing business can be risky too. What reduces that risk is how much research you make about a business before you start it. That way, you use the knowledge of the ins and outs of a particular business to maximize profit and cut loss.

As always, we hope you find this post useful.

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