NCC lifts ban on SIM registration in Nigeria

In a bit of welcome news, the ban on registration of new SIM cards has been lifted.

As announced here, the Federal Government, through the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Isa Ali Pantami, has approved the activation of new SIM cards albeit with mandatory NIN. The directive takes effect from Monday, April 19, 2021.

This is welcome news for a lot of Nigerians who have found it difficult to purchase new SIM cards for their devices.

It certainly is welcome news to us at RDEESOFT.

After the incident of theft which forced us to change our contact numbers, it has been very difficult retrieving our business line because people would take their waiting places at the MTN office from as early as four o’clock in the morning. By the time the office would be open for the day, the sheer number of people would be enough to fill a small marketplace. Safety precautions concerning the pandemic would often be ignored as the dread of a futile attempt at retriving one’s SIM seemed greater than the threat of a largely asymptomatic infection.

It was also impossible under these circumstances to get new routers from the telecom networks for our clients since those came with new SIM cards that needed to be registered.

Oh and MTN had only one open office in Uyo!

So hopefully, with the ban lifted, MTN and other telcos can fully utilize their team of agents to carry out a more efficient process and eliminate the queues.

If you need to get new SIM cards, the time is now. Remember though to go along with your NIN number and slip and please stay safe in the process.

And for our clients who needed routers, we have not forgotten you. We will get a call accross when yours is ready to go.

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